Monday, August 6, 2007

Six Days

Six days left and I'm stuck in a Saigon love story.
Four days left and she's going back to Hawaii.

Life in Vietnam, for all it's worth, is complicated.
But it's alright because I have many stories to tell and many adventures to speak of.
Stories of being a gentleman and being caught in the rain to catch a taxi cab, of salsa dancing in the best night clubs in Saigon, and of waking up in the rain forest under a mosquito net. I have ghost stories, family stories, and personal histories to tell...

In due time.


Eric Sid said...

Hang in there Dave.

Enjoy the last of your days over there and then you'll be due for some relaxation when you're back here.

Take care of yourself!


Camly said...

very touching Dave, wish you continue your Saigon love story wherever you are! :)
nice to know you too,

Cam Ly