Sunday, July 1, 2007

Cũ Chi

Yesterday I took a trip with the program to Cũ Chi to visit the old tunnels used during the war. It's amazing what people do during war and I got to learn about the different booby traps the VC used. All of them involved spikes.

The best part was walking through the forest and seeing all the different kinds of wildlife and giant bugs running around. We found a lizard and a bunch of giant millipedes, which I suppose were small by VN standards.

I kept hearing gunfire and as we walked through the forest and thinking there was a loud speaker somewhere, I asked the tour guide about it. It turns out the gunfire was real - they had a shooting range! I got to fire a gun for the first time in my life, even though I generally hate guns. With the exception that the ear muffs they provided were useless and we nearly went deaf, it was actually kind of fun.

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